Nemocnice v první linii / Hospital on the Frontline
Docureality program on the Czech Health Care System During the Coronavirus Crisis, aired in record time.
directorZuzana Kirchnerová, Adam Ol'ha
coproduced byCzech television
editorAnna Ryndová, Josef Krajbich
The Coronavirus Pandemic put Czech healthcare to the type of test that no one was prepared to face on a systemic basis. Managing to cope with the wave of infectious patients to a great degree relied on, and continues to rely on, individuals rising to the situation and attempt to face it: doctors, nurses, medics, hospital staff. If these people would themselves fall ill, it could bring about the fatal collapse of a system which the entire society depends on. The documentary cycle Hospital on the Frontline is a close-up observation of the current situation of Czech health care as it unfolds, focusing on the stories of protagonists of various specializations. It examines their everyday reality and experiences along with them their hectic workload, fatigue, fears, and stress, but also their personal lives.